A Maitreya sutra illustration is rendered on the north wall, in which the preaching scene of Maitreya under the dragon-flower tree together with the two Assemblies of Maitreya on the two sides form a structure of triangle. In front of Maitreya are scenes of King Sankha presenting seven national treasures and a treasured pagoda to Maitreya, Maitreya the giving the pagoda to Brahmen, and the Brahmen pulling down the pagoda and getting their own share. These stories embody the philosophical ideas of Buddhism: life is impermanent and very short, only renounce the secular world and practice in seclusion can people get rid of the disasters in secular life and enter the pure land. The middle part consists of many small scenes describing the wonderful things happened in the world of Maitreya, including people never picking up anything on the ground, living without closing the door at night, once sowing leading to seven harvests, clothes growing on the trees, women getting married at the age of 500 years old and an old men entering into grave by themselves, as well as Kasyapa presenting a kasaya to Maitreya, Maitreya visiting his parents, Maitreya leading his disciples to beg alms in Ketsumati and etc. There is a bodhisattva image on each of the east and west sides and there are four Song dynasty female donor figures on the west side.